
Showing posts from March 16, 2008

Alien soils !

With each passing minute, i discover a new idendity, a new role, a new objective, a new responsibility, Although there are numerous reasons which usually spurt on the onset of surprising discoveries, there is also a deep rooted augmentation of belief. A belief of structure and order, a belief of tombs which seldom falls. The ambigous nature of humans , bars predictability, bars a lot of logic-based conclusions about a persona. The pedigree of thought - chains continue about nature of contrasting individuals, about their pragmatic perception, about a constant forcing of views. It is this nature which separates the alpha and the rest, it is this true nature which segregates a multi-divisional choice boulevards. There are tough times when a thought over-flow, will just seal one's way of seeing things. A patriotic persuasion of words which lead you to a divine logic , which is above all questions. Is then the realization of your untapped captivity, which usually plays a role in your p...