“Care about what other people think, and you will always be their prisoner” - Lao Tzu Have you heard of the ‘Magnetic Hill’ phenomenon in the Indian province of Ladakh? There is a certain stretch of road on the Srinagar-Leh highway that appears to be going uphill. If you close your ignition on your car while on this uphill road, it will strangely start moving forward, instead of backward (downhill). This strange road defies gravity, but in reality is an optical illusion! The landscapes surrounding the road are sloped in such a way that the road appears to be going uphill. In fact, many magnetic hills all around the world defy logic. A reflection of life. Reality is sadly, different from perception. Let me explain with a story. There was once a wise man who had constant complainers coming to him. One of them said that he was tired of making others happy, but still kept doing it. The wise man, listened day in and day out, with a gentle smile on his face. One day, ...
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